This website does not provide medical advice. Information on the site is general in nature and is provided for informational purposes only. The information is NOT medical advice and no physician/patient relationship is created by virtue of the information provided on this website. The content is, in no way, intended to substitute for consulting a medical professional. While reasonable attempts are made to ascertain the accuracy of this general information, no representation or warranty is made by Falls Church Osteopathic Medicine, LLC, as to the accuracy of the information. We do not assume liability for any of the content of the material presented on the website or related links. The decision to rely on information found on the website or a linked website is solely at your own risk. Falls Church Osteopathic Medicine, LLC does not and cannot provide specific medical advice through this website or by e-mail in response to any inquiry that you may make. If you have a specific medical problem or specific medical inquiry it is important that you contact your personal physician and seek professional medical advice which is focused on your individual situation. Never disregard medical advice as a result of something which you may have read on this website, linked website or any other website. Falls Church Osteopathic Medicine, LLC accepts no liability for injury or damage resulting from your decision to use any product, information or instruction found on the website or on sites linked to the website.

Falls Church Osteopathic Medicine, LLC welcomes an opportunity to provide you with medical services, and if you wish to make an appointment please contact our office in person or by telephone.